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Tips to gain weight on the face in 7 days Health & Fitness

Are you missing the good old days of childhood when you used to have chubby cheeks? When random relatives used to come to you and squeeze your cheeks out of the blue. Get your childhood skin back by making your cheeks look fuller and plump.

If you want a fuller face, then weight gain is the only option you are left with. Now there could be two paths for putting on some weight. You could treat yourself with hamburgers, bagels, and cream cheese, or you switch to nutritious foods like salads, creams, egg mayo, cheese, etc., which are high in fat. This way, your body will be gaining healthy fat, and you can achieve a chubbier look without compromising your health. 

The right way to gain weight on the face in 7 days

There are two types of fat that one can gain. One is a healthy fat, and another one is an unhealthy fat.

1. Healthy Fat- Fresh cream, cheese, mayo, shakes, and healthy fats will always help you make your face look plumper, chubbier, and naturally glowing.

2. Unhealthyy Fat– Unhealthy fat is gained by consuming more carbohydrates, refined flour, cakes, pastries, etc. This way of gaining weight leads to obesity and other diseases. 

Recommended: Know more about the different kinds of fats.

It is of utmost importance to always keep a tab on what kind of food you consume for your weight gain. Always consume only healthy fats. Also, you can make your lips and cheeks appear chunky by putting in essential oils and massaging your face every night before hitting the bed. Following this routine will naturally help you achieve plump, glowing cheeks that add a cuteness factor to your overall look.   

Although there is no specific way of gaining weight on the face, you can try experimenting with different food products to make your face look chubby without gaining extra body fat.  

What should you eat to plump your cheeks?

Get ready to fill up your cheeks with these simple tips and tricks.

1. Nuts :

One of the best ways to gain healthy fat on the face is to consume nuts like pistachios, walnuts, almonds, etc., in your diet because these nuts contain essential oils, minerals, and vitamins. 

2. Drink milk with honey 

While milk is rich in amino acids, honey is high in calories. Drinking this magical combination will give you the right amount of calories for your body. Drinking it regularly will slowly make your skin softer and chubbier.

3. H20

Always stay hydrated, as dehydration is one of the biggest causes of dead and dull cheeks and face. So start carrying a water bottle wherever you go, so sipping water frequently becomes feasible. Also, if you always forget to drink water, set the alarm on your phone to remind yourself to stay hydrated. 

4. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has a ton of antioxidants like Vitamin B12 that increase collagen production in our skin. To have a chubbier appearance, you need to increase collagen production in your skin. The reason that higher production of collagen is necessary for us is that collagen helps in repairing dead skin and increases cell production. 

5. Apples 

Apple is another healthy fruit with vitamins A, B, and C. Eating an apple daily will help your body produce more collagen and make your cheeks plump, clean, and soft.

Facial exercises to get plump cheeks

Opting for a diet can do wonders, but practicing facial exercises daily will help you repair your skin and make it look fuller in less time. Doing so will spread the facial fat equally, giving you a toned and well-structured face

If you want to add extra padding to your face, try some facial exercises that can help you achieve a chubbier look. Try these simple exercises that can be practiced anywhere, anytime.

  1. Puff out your cheeks and hold for a few seconds.
  2. Open your mouth wide and then close it slowly.
  3. Make a fish face by sucking in your cheeks.
  4. Use your index fingers to press on the fleshy part of your cheeks and then slide them towards your ears.

Repeat the above steps for a few minutes every day, and you’ll soon see a difference in the fullness of your face.

What to Avoid?

Stop smoking and keep dried, dull skin at bay.

The cigarette is the culprit if you have uneven and dull skin. Cigarettes increase the production of melanin in the body, which leads to spots on the skin. Moreover, you might get wrinkles and crow eyes at a very early age. So if you smoke on a regular base, you have a good reason to cut down on your smoking. 

Here are a few things which you will notice after a few days of leaving cigarettes-

  1. Your lips will look pinker.
  2. Any dark spots on your skin will start disappearing. 
  3. The blood flow in your skin will increase, and your complexion will become less grey and pale. 
  4. Your face appears brighter after you quit smoking. 


Although it is essential to put on some weight to make your face appear chubby and fuller, you should also focus on gaining some muscle mass, making your face appear much more toned and healthier.

Add strength training 2 or 3 times a week to your daily workout regimen. Also, if you don’t work out every day, you can try some at-home exercises which would help you gain the right amount of muscle weight at home. Not that your focus should be more on building muscle weight, but steer clear of heavy cardio exercises because the goal is to gain some healthy muscle fat. So, try to add some healthy fats to your diet and see the difference in a few days. 

Must Read: How to remove negative thoughts from your subconscious mind.


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