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Health & Fitness

Importance of Making Healthy Life Choices- Diet & Exercise Health & Fitness

Being healthy should be a top priority, and your daily choices of diet and exercise can help you be that way. We cannot control everything, but our eating habits and exercise approach can often make a difference between being healthy and unhealthy.

We have control over our diet and exercise and can be the main factors in preventing diseases and other problems in life.

Here are some key points of Importance of maintaining a Healthy Diet and Exercise.

Importance of Healthy Diet & Exercise

Check out the following points of importance.

Ideal Routine

Exercise: In a week, you must aim for almost two and a half hours of medium-intensity exercise or a slightly lower amount of high-intensity workout. Performing a combination of aerobics, weight training or other sports gives the best results. Warming up before and cooling down after the workout is also essential for a healthy exercise routine.

Diet: Every person has different dietary needs, but there are some foods with should be included in every day’s diet to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

  • Fruits and Vegetables
  • Protein (Chicken, Fish, Soya)
  • Whole Grains
  • Nuts & Legumes

Also balance out the intake of dairy products, oil, meats and poultry. Avoid sweets, overly salty, trans fat-heavy foods and overuse of alcohol. Keep a check on your calorie intake based on your size, height, weight and age.

Enhances Mood & Energy

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle including diet and exercise has major effects on mood. Few chemicals in the brain namely “endorphins” trigger happiness and positivity through a good workout session.

Diet has the same effects on the mind and body affecting the major two factors in overall mental health that is peaceful mood and energized body, which in turn helps in reducing stress and increases the brain activity. Endorphin stimulation also helps in preventing depression, anxiety and in raising self-esteem and self-confidence.

Prevents Diseases

One important benefit of making healthy choices in diet and regular exercise is that it helps in fighting off the disease bacteria’s and viruses in your body. It creates an immune system able to fight against alien diseases. Consuming wrong foods can impact the body, but eating right with proper exercise can boost your body’s ability to fight diseases.

Here are some diseases you can save yourself from by making healthy life choices:

  • Heart Problems
  • High Cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Stroke
  • Mental Problems
  • Cancer
  • Arthritis

Deep Sleep

Millions of people around the world go through sleep issues at night and two factors that affect the sleep pattern immensely are your diet and exercise habits. Exercise plays a greater role in your ability to fall asleep and for a deeper sleep.

 According to several studies, you need to eat right and exercise in a good amount to be able to save yourself from restless nights. In case you are not sure what healthy choices to make, consult your primary care provider to give you a better insight and suggestion.

Weight Loss

If you have realized that you are overweight, or eating unhealthily, it is time to start changing your eating habits and exercising regularly to lose weight safely and to keep it off. Even if you are not overweight, maintaining a healthy diet and physical activity will maintain your current weight and reduces the risk of gaining weight in future.

Healthy foods as mentioned above which are full of nutrients and low in calories, with regular workout burns off the extra calories and makes you fitter than ever.


Regular exercise and eating right can make your life more diverse and interesting. You tend to seek creative ways to be physically active in your daily life while not sticking with the same old exercise routine you have been following for the past month.

Exercising with your colleagues, dancing with your friends, playing games with family or playing on a sports team gives you more opportunities to be socially active. Along with exercising, inculcating healthy eating habits brings in more opportunities for home cooking, culinary classes, famer visits and other such fun activities.

Increases Life Span

With a better immune system, good sleep pattern and a healthier heart, it is sure shot that you’re on the path to improve your life span. Regular exercise and a healthy diet increase the chances of living longer.

According to some studies, people who walk or perform any physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day reduces the chances of early death as compared to those who exercise irregularly or not at all.

Cheaper Life Insurance

One choice to primarily consider in life as you grow old is to purchase a life insurance in order to protect your family and loved ones in case of uncertain death or accident. You might be confused between buying term life insurance or a whole life insurance policy, but whichever choice you make, you are definitely going to enjoy lower premiums if you live a healthy lifestyle including regular exercise and good diet choices.

Increases Fertility

If you think about your future with kids, the gym is the right place to go right now. According to a study conducted by Harvard University, researches found out that males who exercise regularly and make healthy eating choices showed a higher sperm level as compared to men who don’t.

Also, exercising increases the release of hormones that triggers and improves the sex drive in both men and women by having an impact on their libido while improving their sextual function.

Final Words

Now you know why making the right health choices in diet and exercise are an important part of life. If you do not follow a good diet and if you avoid exercising regularly, you are more likely to catch diseases and weaken your immune system.

To live longer and better, make your choice right now!


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