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How Many Yoga Asana’s Are There in Total? Health & Fitness

In yoga asanas, you can use 84 basic asanas to increase awareness. When we talk about 84 individual poses, don’t just think of 84 postures. These are 84 systems and 84 ways to achieve them. If you have mastered any one yoga asana, you can understand everything that exists.

Let’s read in details about some of the basic yoga asanas out of the total of 84 asanas everyone should know about!

List of Yoga Asanas


Swastikasana is an ancient Hatha yoga pose used for cross-legged meditation. In Sanskrit, the swastika sign means auspicious; it is also an ancient Hindu name that symbolizes good luck.

Chaturanga Dandasana

It forms Surya Namaskar (greeting to the sun), in which a straight body is supported by toes and palms parallel to the ground, and the elbows are at right angles along the body.


Shavasana, the corpse pose or mrtasana is a pose in Hatha yoga and is used as a pose in modern yoga. This kind of exercise is usually used to relax at the end by practicing common postures of yoga nidra meditation.

Baddha Konasana

It is called Bhadrasana in history, it is a kind of sitting posture in Hatha yoga, it is suitable for modern yoga as an exercise as a seat for meditation.

Garbha Pindasana

Uttana Kurmasana, inverted turtle pose, except that in this position the body points upward instead of maintaining balance in an upright position.


Garudasana or eagle pose is a form of standing balance in modern yoga. This name was used in different poses in medieval Hatha Yoga.


Gomukhasana or bull face pose is a sitting yoga, sometimes used in Hatha yoga and modern meditation.

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, shoulder bridge or simply bridge, also known as the modern Bandhasana, is also known as Bandha Sarvangasana yoga.


Sukhasana, a simple posture, is a simple cross-legged sitting posture, used for meditation yoga and hatha in Buddhism, sometimes used for meditation Hinduism.


Dhanurasana, bow pose, is a back bending pose in Hatha yoga and modern yoga.


Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose is a lying pose, just like the yoga practice cycle in modern yoga. Namaskar (greeting the sun) as an alternative to Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (upward dog pose).


Shirshasana, usually abbreviated as yoga handstand, is a modern yoga handstand or reverse handstand practice in classical hatha yoga, it is described as an asana. It is called the king of all asanas.


The lotus pose is a cross-legged meditation posture from ancient India, where each foot is placed on the opposite thigh. Hatha Yoga is widely used for meditation in Hindu, Tantric, Jain and Buddhist traditions.


Siddhasana, or performance pose, is an ancient sitting posture suitable for modern yoga meditation practice. The names of Muqtasana and Burmese Pose sometimes refer to the same posture, sometimes to a lighter posture.

Utthita Parsvakonasana

Utthita Parsvakonasana, is a modern yoga exercise using many lateral angle muscle groups as an ankle extension and groin, chest, lungs, shoulders, spine and abdomen.


Natarajasana, the king of dance poses or dancer poses, is the balance and standing flexion in modern yoga. Bharatanatyam, an Indian classical dance form, is depicted on a statue in the Nataraja Temple in Chidambaram.


Vajrasana or Thunder Pose or Diamond Pose are kneeling poses in modern yoga and hatha yoga. Medieval texts used this name to describe various poses. The practitioner sits on his heels, with the calf under the thigh. There is a four-finger gap between the kneecaps, touch the first toe of your feet, and it sits upright.


Halasana or plough pose is an inverted pose in Hatha yoga and modern yoga. As a practice, changes include Karnapidasana with ears and feet close to the knees.


Bhairavasana or impressive pose, sometimes called Supta Bhairavasana, in Kala Bhairavasana variant, just like in Vasishthasana. Keep your body balanced on one straight leg and one arm. Bhairava is one of the eight aspects of Lord Shiva. This posture is also called Ankushasana, an elephant goad posture.


Tadasana, mountain pose, or Samasthiti is a standing pose in modern yoga, as a practice; it is not described in the medieval hatha yoga text, but it is the foundation of various other standing poses.

Viparita Dandasana

Viparita Dandasana is a reverse exercise, as a reverse exercise of modern yoga. This can be done with both feet on the floor or on one foot.


The posture of the warrior is a set of Virabhadrasana with 12 steps. The related asana in modern yoga is a practice dedicated to the merits of the mythical warrior Virabhadra. The name of this pose comes from Hindu mythology, but this pose was not recorded in the Hatha Yoga tradition until the 20th century.

Jathara Parivartanasana

Jathara Parivartanasana, revolved abdominal wall Pose, twisting the abdomen or twisting the spine are horizontal asanas in which twisting is practiced in modern yoga.


Navasana, boat pose or Paripurna Navasana is a sitting posture used as a practice in modern yoga.


Shalabhasana, or Grasshopper is a backward bending posture in modern yoga.

Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar, sun salutation or sun salutation, is a yoga-like practice consisting of a series of about twelve finely interconnected asanas. The sequence of asanas was first recorded as yoga in the early 20th century, although similar exercises were used in India before.


It is a modern yoga asana as a practice. Variations include Baddha Trikonasana (triangular form) and Parivritta Trikonasana (rotating triangular form).

Upavishta Konasana

Sit up straight with your legs as wide as possible, wrap your toes and lean forward.


Chakrasana, wheel pose or Urdhva Dhanurasana, ascending arch pose-yoga asana as a practice. This is the first posture of back bend and finale. Gives the spine great flexibility. In acrobatics and gymnastics, this posture is called a bridge.

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

Although a similar bhujangasana (cobra pose) can be used instead.


Ushtrasana or camel pose is a post-bend pose practice in modern yoga.


Utkatasana, chair pose, is a standing pose in modern yoga. This is a low squat asana in the medieval Hatha Yoga.


Uttanasana or standing forward bending, when modern toes are used as toe flexion, you can choose Padahastasana as forward bending exercises.


Tree pose is a balanced pose. It is one of the few standing poses in medieval hatha yoga, and it is still a popular practice in modern yoga.


Anantasana or Sleeping Vishnu Posture or supine leg pose in modern yoga, just like exercise.

Ashtanga Namaskara

It occurred in the practice of surya, the body is balanced on the eight points of contact with the floor: feet, knees, chest, chin and arm.


Balasana, children’s posture or children’s resting posture is a kneeling posture used as a practice in modern yoga. Balasana is the reverse of various asanas, mainly practiced before and after Shirshasana.


Bidalasana or Marjariasana, meaning cat posture in Sanskrit, as a modern kneeling exercise. The one-leg stretch is Vyagrasana tiger pose. With the waist-the position of the cow Bitilasana; it is often used as a contrast; a common practice is to alternate between the cat and cow posture many times.

Hope this article helped you understand the different types of Yoga Asanas!


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